Special Guest Alert! Senta Moses joins the BLASTers once again and adds her unique perspective to a movie she hasn't even seen before... Back to the Future Part II.
Special Guest alert! It's PB4's birthday, so PB4 The Elder is in town and joins in on the BLAST. That's right - the first ever, in the history of the Universe - a Father/Son BLAST.
Did the BLASTers take it easy on the old man? Negative. Instead, they delivered a quintessential example of a movie that should be erased from the memory of anyone who's ever had knowledge of its existence - The Pest.
Very Good Actors playing Very Unsympathetic Characters. Must have been a Very Slow Year for them to accept this Very Dark Comedy, not seeing that it is Very Un Funny.
Very Bad Things is a Very Bad Movie.
We create full-length Alternative DVD Commentaries for bad movies.
We got up to 100 of them and then called it quits in late 2008.
But then in early 2011, we decided to give it another run and record commentaries for the worst films of 2010.
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