Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Johnny Mnemonic - DVD podBLAST

Mnemonic (new MON ik): A memory aid, such a phrase or poem that aids in recall.

For example:

Johnny Mnemonic sucks
Like getting hit by trucks
I'll make this curt:
Your head will hurt
Unless you listen to us

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

House of the Dead - DVD podBLAST

Aaaaand we're back.

...but at this rate, not for long.

The uber-requested House of the Dead has finally fallen victim to The 'BLAST, however, as PB4 aptly states, all these "special requests" clearly are meant to destroy us.

With BLASTphemers like these, who needs enemies?

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hot Rod - DVD podBLAST

Take three New York goofballs, give them a shot at making a movie, and you may get gold, you may get shit.

Add the fact that the aforementioned goofballs came to fame making 3 minute internet gems, and the chances for 90 minutes of shit increase.

Take what must be assumed to have been a decent script, remove any trace of story or heart, chances for a triple-coiler increase again.

Your one hope, the only chance for gold, will then rest on the comedic genius of your star.

Sorry, Hot Rod.